My idea for a panel right now is an analog altimeter, analog ASI, Garmin G5 attitude indicator, Garmin GTR200 Com Radio, Appareo Stratus ESG transponder, and my electronic engine monitor.
I haven’t been good at updating the blog with information on my engine monitor, but checkout my thread on RANS Clan. I’m also working on filling the Engine Monitor page here on the blog with the important details.
Here is a draft of what the panel may look like:
Update 27OCT2018:
My panel changed slightly from the drawing above. I moved the iPad to the center, swapped the radio and transponder location, and finally I added all the miscellaneous stuff I forgot to in the beginning 🙂 I also added a cutout for an MGL Vega EMS below the Garmin G5. This is to buy down risk of my home built engine monitor failing during the initial flight test. I don’t have enough excess time to completely verify the engine monitor’s operation enough to have zero doubts it could fail.
Panel looks great and I’m ready to fly it.
This proves how deep your wallet really is😄
Well I was going to say that I would also like a gold plated Dynon, but that seemed like it would be overdoing it to put that out publicly.